Monday, July 02, 2007

Too Busy to Prepare?

Wow, it's been a bit of time since I've been able to post. Life has been busy with my family downsizing. We're downsizing so that we can have more ability for preparation in many ways. Downsizing to a smaller home, downsizing to a smaller "activity list", downsizing in as many ways as possible so that we have mental space and energy for more scripture study, more prayer, and more study of what it means to have a preparedness lifestyle.

So here's a question: are you too busy to prepare? The Lord through the scriptures often teaches of preparedness. Find some of those scriptures today and then ponder them. Then ask yourself again if your life is going by too quickly to think, let alone live a preparedness lifestyle.

"Preparedness" implies time to ponder on your family's needs and then actually plan how to meet them. Then it necessitates taking care of those needs. If your daily schedule screeches from one car pool to practice to meeting to...etc., how will you be able to do what you need for your family's preparedness?

I'm finding "downsizing" temporally and mentally gives me a much better chance at helping my family be ready for whatever may come - be that a micro family issue (such as illness) or a more global issue (such as a national issue).

TIP: Begin downsizing and removing all unnecessary expenditures in your life - whether those expenditures come in the form of time, money, or mental worry.

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